Estimate your 2025 salary and bonus information
See how different contribution percentages can impact your 401(k) and matching contributions. Results are based on a single contribution percentage for the entire year and do not take into account contributions already made for this year.
Do you want to self-select your 401(k) contribution % or auto-maximize your 401(k) contribution percentage and match?
401(k) Contribution %
401(k) Contribution %

Do you want to change your 401(k) Contribution % during the year?

Switch my 401(k) Contribution %

Are you going to contribute at least 6% and be age 50 or older during 2025?

Are you going to contribute at least 6% and be between age 60 and 63 during 2025?

Catch-up 401(k) Contribution %
Start at
Then switch to on Jan 1, 2025

Remember, under IRS rules, you can contribute up to to your 401(k) in 2025. Remember, under IRS rules, you can contribute up to to your 401(k) in 2025.

Important: This calculator is designed for information purposes only and does not constitute advice. You should consult with a financial professional on your individual situation.

Your Results

Enter your information

Please enter the information requested under both the “Your Pay Information” and “Your Contributions” sections to see your results.

Your Results

Total 401(k) Savings Contributions
Your Contributions Matching Contributions Total
Please note: You are approximately short of reaching your maximum contribution amount of . To reach the maximum, consider changing your 401(k) plan contribution percentage during the year, being careful to maximize your match (see below). Your contribution total above includes in catch-up contributions.
Please note: You are approximately short of reaching the IRS 401(k) contribution maximum of . To reach the maximum, consider changing your 401(k) plan contribution percentage during the year, being careful to maximize your match (see below). Your contribution total above includes in catch-up contributions.
You have reached the IRS 401(k) contribution maximum of . This includes in catch-up contributions.
Please note: You are approximately short of reaching your maximum contribution amount of . To reach the maximum, consider changing your 401(k) plan contribution percentage during the year, being careful to maximize your match (see below).
Please note: You are approximately short of reaching the IRS 401(k) contribution maximum of . To reach the maximum, consider changing your 401(k) plan contribution percentage during the year, being careful to maximize your match (see below).
You have reached the IRS 401(k) contribution maximum of .
Are you getting all of the company match?
The following is the maximum company match available from VF.
Comparing Your Projected Company Match to the Maximum Available
Maximum Match
Estimated Match
Based on Election
You have reached the maximum 401(k) company match.
Please note: You are approximately short of reaching the maximum company match. To reach the maximum, consider changing your 401(k) plan contribution percentage.

Ready to make a change?
You can make a change to your contribution percentage at
Go Now